Sunday, October 26, 2014

Vote, Please

...because if you are a citizen of the United States of America and any of these:
### young
### female
### non-white or not non-Hispanic (also known as non-non-Hispanic)

...because if you prefer not the be judged by:
*** your sexual orientation
*** your religion or lack thereof
*** your opinions about what health decisions should be available to whom
*** the color of your shoes
*** whether you wear hats for no particular, or some specific, reason
*** the size, or lack thereof, of your book collection
*** your views, if any, on personal hygiene

...because if you are disillusioned by:
!!! the Democratic party
!!! the Republican party
!!! the President
!!! the news media
!!! rich White men
!!! life in these United States for any non-rich-White-man

...because the ONLY way you can do anything about it is to (A) hold office somewhere in the US of A or (B) vote. I voted and, while it wasn't great, it felt better than holding office.

Vote. Please. It's your right, your privilege, and your JOB as a citizen of this forever-trying-to-live-up-to-its-ideals-and-principles-and-generally-not-doing-so-well-at-it nation. And your nation needs you.