Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mostly Apologetic

Well, here I am, just as the quote introducing my last blog warned, happily wrong. Luckily, this is a well-accustomed state, so I can deal with it. I hope you can, too.

Wrong about what, you ask? Well, even if you didn't, here goes.

I stated that "the primary reason [for the deficit] is that President Obama acknowledged that the cost of war should be included, not because the stimulus and health care reform happened." That was inaccurate. I should have said, "the primary reason under the control of the incoming Democratic party is that President Obama acknowledged that the cost of war should be included, not because the stimulus and health care reform happened."

The primary reason for the deficit was that the housing bubble burst. I can, perhaps, be foergiven for this lapse because my husband and I purchased a house just before the bubble burst and are one of those many families suffering the consequences. So how could I have forgotten? That old human capacity for selective memory was operating with its usual efficiency.

Nonetheless, I do apologize for such a gross misstatement. Brought to you from the Department of Redundancy Department: The reason for the deficit is that the housing bubble, unsustainable, burst. Sadly, many, many families are in much worse trouble than mine as a result.

Sadly, too, many of those families voted for the Republican party because the Obama administration did not fix this. This is especially sad because it was largely the Republican administration that caused this problem, although many Democrats are not innocent.

Sadly, finally, anything that could have been done to fix this problem is now less likely because all those Republicans were elected. I'm not against a two-party system, only against a right-leaning middle (Democrat) and a far-freaking-right-wing (Republican) party being the only viable choices.

This is so sad that I can't think of a farbleatziong thing funny to say about it. I hope you can forgive that, too.

Mostly apologetic,

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