Sunday, March 08, 2015

The Benefits of Aging

Well, first off, if you don't believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, you don't die.

And secondly, if you do believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, you don't have to really face the consequences of your actions.  At least not just yet.

Thirdly, you may not be 62 any more (see photo above), but you don't look a day over 70 (see photo to the left).  So far.

And, of course, there's the fact that you develop some compassion for all the things older human beings do that used to really irritate you - now that you're doing them yourself.  For example:

** If you used to be irritated by that little old lady at the checkout counter who took several years to put stuff back into her purse, you have compassion for her now that she is you.

** If you used to interrupt people with questions, thinking that any fool could answer a question and then continue with his or her train of thought, you now have compassion for the other fools who have as much trouble as you do catching a train, any train.  Or retaining a thought, any thought.

** If you used to get angry about the idiots in Congress who think they have a right to stay in office until the cows come home... Well, you still do.  Some things don't change.

It goes without saying that none of the above excuses the little old person driving as though everyone had all day and there was no one else on the road other than himself or herself.

Unless, of course, the little old person is you. Or me.

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