Thursday, February 21, 2008

Another Day Breaks

Good morning, friends. Out here in cold, overcast Northern Colorado (or back here on the Trailing Edge; take your pick) I’ve been busily reviewing my email SPAM filter and unearthing gems from the muck. Yes, it’s true. Hidden among the wonderful, plentiful, rejected offers that I enhance anatomical features I don’t have, is my notification of having signed up to join the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS). Bravely overcoming the fact that my only advanced degree is in French Literature, as well as other errors of my youth, I forged ahead. (The head was needed for scientific endeavor and the forging was necessary because of my aforementioned lack of appropriate training papers.)

While busily updating my profile, dutifully changing my password, and responsibly reviewing possible courses of action, I discovered that the deputy administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Marcus Peacock, has a blog. Can you imagine? Here he was putting his career on the line, and I didn’t even know it. Check it out and let him know how you appreciate the EPA’s efforts – and his willingness to go out on a limb over troubled waters, as it were, to describe them to you.

Luckily, this risk-taking behavior got Peacock an invite to the White House, so all is well. For him. Not so sure about how well all will be for his grandchildren when his daughter grows up, has children, and wants to find a nice planet for them to live and play drums on.

By then, under the gentle leadership of our apolitical, science-biased, US federal government agencies, the only thing on this planet fit for human consumption may be the corn… But wait, that will be fuel for the rich folks’ vehicles…

Well, let’s hope the career choices of bureaucratic offspring assure they are as well off and well connected as their parents. I’m sure there will be someplace safe right here on earth. Think of them, our future leaders and followers, living and working in safe havens while developing programs to feed, clothe, and provide dangerously inadequate shelter for others less fortunate. Who knows? Perhaps these havens of leadership will be known, in those distant future days, as Environmentally Protected Asylums, or EPAs…

Eenyhoo, the sun has started to shine, and life as we know it continues unabated…

Be well if you can and write if you find work.
Or solutions.

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